Female reproductive system : Pelvis, symphysis pubis, sacrum, coccyx, sacroiliac joints

Female body - pelvis, sacrum, coccyx

Female and male body differ in shape. This is because of many complex factors and a lot of changes that happen even before birth. They affect not only the primary and secondary characteristics but also the construction of bones, muscle and the various positions which fat may accumulate. They extend to include the differences in outlook and personality.

Conception and getting pregnant - A brief introduction

Getting pregnant

Pregnancy is an amazing journey and if you come to think of it, you really do not know when it begins. The exact moment of conception cannot be known. Conception happens when two microscopic cells fuse to become one and from there begins the journey of multiplication. This is primary and most important stage of getting pregnant. After around 9 months, they have multiplied and become cells of organs, hair, teeth, bones, etc. and have formed into a whole new being.